2020 Global Markets Collapse -WHO IS SAVING WHO???

It pains me, for that I cannot hold on anymore….

That events unfolding since the Global Stock markets started collapsing since Last Friday.

To my fans, followers and Haters out there.

Trust me. I posted too many posts, not here. But in my WhatsApp messaging App among my ‘Friends’.


Because my phone is just too convenient for me. For my Website, I got to be with my Laptop, Start it. Run it, then login to my Website, and do the necessary postings.

Yes, I am a layman. I am proud of my achievements able to run my humble website from a non- IT savvy person like me. Especially a old Chinese man in Singapore from the 60’s.

I hope I can have time over the weekend to re-posts all my Worldly predictions from my phone here.

Almost all, if not…. ALL correctly predicted since January 2020.

The current Covid-19 or I preferably like to call it…. Wuhan-400. Its impact on Global Economic problems.

All World leaders are at lost and pressured by their State Of Affairs; So far, implemented all the measures and So called Stimulus are for WHO???

The big boys played with FIRE. You reaped from the systems. Built your Castles, bought your Lamborghinis and what not. And now with markets collapsing; You want the men on the Streets to bear your Stupidity and Insanities??? And guarantee your safety???

Only now that you realise you need the men on the Streets to feed your GREED. Or plain ABUSE????

Governments are printing money. Who are you actually helping???

Please STOP. For no amount of PRINTING of money your machines can handle can fill the 75% OCEAN of Economic problems right in front of you.

The money will go back to the WASTE RUBBISH BINS of WALL STREETS all over the world.

All look bloody STUPID as at now…. Except one.

No one speak so precisely, to the point and sounds logical.

It may not work perfectly. As this Epic Financial Tsunami coupled by current unsolvable Wuhan-400 tragedy. Looking forward, we better move one step at a time hand-in-hand to hope to see LIGHT at the other end of the tunnel as Global responsible players. No one knows how long this episode is going to last.

I predicted some 18 months for this episode to see more positive counter measures and/or medicine to start ability to tame this Wuhan-400 since it was first announced to the world in January 2020.

Do read up on non other than ECB President Christine Lagarde speech on Thursday. Looks promising a step forward for mankind.

Just my 2 cents worth.


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