Another Prediction coming true 2019

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We cannot help the whole world.

We as practitioners of Chinese Metaphysics, can only do so much.

Reading the future. It pain me that especially so when bad predictions came true.

And we also know that most people who read what we wrote. Be it on print or through the internet. Most will add a pinch of Salt. Doubtful and maybe hope predictions don’t come true and fire us as scammers. Running us down. This is the real world.

Of course there are still some who thanks us for our works and taken steps and be mindful themselves.

It is our belief that it is god’s sent for us to carry out such unrewarding works.

I would love to add, read for leisure. And be happy.

Just hope if things that turn out true, be appreciative and grateful that someone put in efforts chipping in for those that may cross onto our path and benefitted.

Om ma ne pad me hum…..

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