Date Selection - 择日

  • Articles,  Date Selection - 择日

    Date Selection – 择日嫁娶 PART 1

    Date Selection Effect – Immediate as compared to FengShui; which can be felt by 100 days or longer to take effect.

    Trust me, after going through the following lists, you will find that there are just that few days left to choose from within a given year. More so with urgency because of a growing stomach that the woman concerned cannot wait too long. And that time is of essence.

    As a matter of professionalism and Divine considerations, for people who seek my service to choose a Auspicious date; I will prefer to turn away such situational awkwardness. I hold to the belief of Most Auspicious setting a top priority over urgency.

    When come to Chinese culture in ancient times, we have many customs and rituals that the older generations tend to follow most practices to the letter. Divorce was unheard of; and a taboo.

    More so, rituals related to getting married. The old great grand aunties were the ones adamant ‘ die die ’ must follow-through procedures that put the whole event into history museum. I mean put-off by the younger generations.

    Today, we have simplified so many rituals and procedures that the ones paying the money; usually the ‘going to get married’ couple. They call the shots. The wedding planner, family elders now seems to have less and less ‘SAY’ in the whole episode.

    I do hope there is no co-relation between actual clashes of events against age old protocol with rising divorces in recent years.

    Nevertheless, I try to share knowledge that I get to know for readers reference.

    Of course, we do have diversity with our many dialect groups among the Chinese. Each may have differ/variation of the whole wedding procedures to follow through.

    Please do use your own dialect preference when situation call for.

    We all have 3 BIG days in our lives.

    • The day we were born
    • The day we get married
    • The day when we die…….

    During these 3 days; all GOOD must come to you, and your loved ones will observe that BAD things don’t cross your path.

    Getting married

    Date Selection criterias…..

    Both the couples’ BAZI八字  must not clash with the day selected

    Year of Birth for – Great grand-parent/s; Grand-parents; Parents. (Detailed in some cases)

    Some go to the extend of not getting married within their elders’ Month of Birth.

    Siblings Month of Birth are depending on circumstances; more for consideration if they are directly involved in the ceremony of welcoming the couple ( to & fro ) from both families.

    For Cantonese, elder and/or younger sister of the Bridegroom are advised to observe low profile throughout the whole Wedding.  姑 means lonely, oddity. Only one left.

    Many modern Practitioners choose Dates that clashes with the elders in matter of ‘no choice’, and suggest that the Elders (i.e. Grand parents to avoid receiving the newly-wed couple when the young ones came home vice versa ).

    No, it is a ‘NO NO’. Within a year, ill health will befall on the elders somehow, worst….. pass-on after-which.

    As the Bride to-be will enter into a new page in life for giving life to the next generation.

    We cannot tell, whether the next King, Queen, President, Prime Minister or someone of GREATNESS will be born into this family?

    So our Chinese age-old practices must preferably be follow-through for all the BLESSINGS that can befall on the lucky couple. Now, we are getting somewhere……

    There are so many days that cannot be used. After factoring all the required inputs. Furthermore, there are many months and days that are inauspicious too.

    Like –

    Lunar New Year 1st day

    Qin Ming清 明

    Lunar 7th Month农历七月

    Ren Month壬  月

    Personal Bad/Breaker Dates

    Year/Month/Day Breaker Days

    Various Clashes

    10 Big Disaster Days / No Wealth Days

    4 Separation Days

    4 Extinct Days

    The 12 Day Officers Method

    The 28 Constellations Method

    Good Timing and the STARS

    The Gods and Killings Method

    San Sha Year/Month/Day/Hour (Especially so for Setting of Bed ); no digging, renovation nor movements must be observed.

    Tiger year of Birth Ladies, bad news for you. You are to be avoided at all COSTS during the Wedding ceremony. As ancient belief has it that you will eat up all the couple’s potential of child bearing possibilities…… Of course, no harm on your presence during the evening Wedding Banquet.

    Pregnant women are advised not to be presence during the Wedding Ceremony as they clash with the Bride to-be.

    On top of all the above, we throw in Dong Gong Date Selection, and so many more……


    P.S. Dong Gong Date Selection董 公 择日学  was meant only accessible by the Imperial Court in ancient times kept and protected for Emperor and the Royalty use. It is more accurate than Tong-Shu used mainly by the Commoners.

    With also word of mouth secrets pass down by master to master, Date Selection process has become a sophisticated study to benefit mankind at large.

    My advice is, for the discerning, do consider the price you pay to the practitioner, money well spent.

    For who knows, the next Prime Minister or President; may be borned into your family…..

    To be continued……………. 

  • Articles,  Date Selection - 择日

    Date Selection – Introduction 择日

    Hello, I will be doing a series on the study and importance of Date Selections.择日。

    Have been observing an increase in divorce rates lately.

    Some couples even in the mid of waiting for keys to their new bird-nests.
    Some barely a year into their marriages.
    Some, for unexplainable reasons, have frictions with the in-laws….
    Some, have troubles conceiving…. while some although continue to stay together; but with frequent arguments at the slightest initial verbal exchange on topics ranging from going for a meal. Or choosing the path to turn left or right.
    Yes, such ridiculous hoo-haa exist…..

    Hope to share enough light into this subject and will branch out to applications for moving into a new home and more….

    Oh yes, the picture depict a sample of a typical TongShu from辛卯年…. which many practitioners use for Date Selections purposes.

    Sadly, it is not enough a reference book for Date Selection purposes.
    For more advanced practitioners, we have also to make references from Dong Gong董公择日 Date Selection Reference Book, and also finer pointers pass down from master to master.口诀。

    My parting advice to all, why not give our ancient art of practice consideration.
    To harmonise living, and build a better tomorrow for our next generation to progress and prosper.

  • Articles,  Date Selection - 择日

    Date Selection – 择日 – 嫁娶 PART 3 – 礼仪/礼节

    On the Chosen Big Day. 周公斗桃花女

    Getting ready for Marriage.

    Bridegroom starting out his trip to receive his Bride from the In-Law family. Depends on different dialect groups.
    Just to name 2 for examples; Teochew do it in the early wee hours to avoid all possible clashes. 冲煞.
    Hokkien have mostly modernize and simplify many practices.
    I leave it to all to perform their own preferences.

    At the prosperous time吉时 as instructed by Shifu ( if any ), Bridegroom and convoy move out to the Bride’s home.
    NOTE :
    Those persons with their Chinese zodiac signs / Age / Day clashes with the occasion are to avoid being presence as advised earlier. 冲犯者暫时后避. 新娘煞 is the most powerful, Bad will befall on those that clashes. Not the Bride.

    Modern practice –
    Upon reaching Bridegroom’s home, some bargaining are seen as warming up to the occasion a common practice between the Bridegroom’s convoy and the Brides’ Sisters Army. Ang-Pows红包 are normally exchanged to get the Sisters Army to let-in the Bridegroom to win his LOVE hand.
    Some fun punishments are also added-in in modern times to increase joy and laughter for all.
    Again, time is of essence, at the instructed time by Shifu ( if any ), the Couple will make their way back to the Bridegroom family to conduct the Wedding ritual.

    I will not go into the detailed lists of Prosperous Wedding items needed for the occasion. Rather leaving it to the Wedding Planner in the preparations as different dialects may have different customary practices.

    Only highlight below items must have –
    Washing basin and a Urinal. 尿桶, 洗脸盆. As in ancient times, journey was long arduous by foot in the Wedding sedan carried by laborers. The Bride may have to stop along the way for quick relief and refresh herself. Remember, ancient times got no air-conditioning.

    Bringing along a brand new bamboo broom with a piece of meat hanging at one end to ward-off evil spirits. Nowadays, a can of preserved pig trotters are commonly used.

    As it is difficult to get hold of the rice pan丁胎 nowadays ( the big pan used for cleaning up the rice from the padi field ); a brand new Red Umbrella is commonly used as replacement. To shelter the Bride all the way ( to and fro ) and avoid the Sky at all costs天劫, 天魔 , 白虎星 . ( Note : this practice is for non-pregnancy cases only ). If the Bride is carrying a baby, then to do away with it. As mis-carriage may be a possibility as Heaven’s Code is broken.

    A basket full of RED and GREEN beans. As the Bride passes along the way, to scatter the beans towards the ground to ward-off evil spirits that may be presence along her path. Till she reaches her In-Law family.

    I will only focus on the important issues at hand.
    At the Prosperous timing 吉时, Bride must be ready with the Wedding car / convoy and be set-off back to the In-law family.

    To Note :
    As the Bride is that of a Fairy coming down from Heaven to be married into her new family-in-law 仙女下凡; all the way throughout the whole journey; her head must be protected at all costs from attack by potential evil forces. Example are Heaven’s spirits; White Tiger spirit, 天劫, 天魔 , 白虎星.

    Upon reaching the Bridegroom house. At the outside of the house, a Charcoal Cooker with burning fire is presence for the Bride to leap over 避免地狱界伤害 as to cleanse herself from possible earth evil spirits 净掉煞气才造命. A symbolic ACT like a Heaven descended Fairy仙女下凡, flying down to become the Husband family’s new member. Once she leap over, she must step onto the burning fire and break the holder as a sign of Heaven’s Fairy landing into the husband family 喜从天降 and becoming one of them. With the purpose of procreation.
    Of course, some tricks can be done beforehand to have the charcoal holder be broken easily.

    Next, she has to leap over again, this time leaping over the main door floor – divider into the house. As a sign of obedience and respect to the husband parents as their newly wed daughter-in-law. And not to be confrontational in the coming future.

    Then she must be seated comfortably with 1 leg rested on the floor, while another leg on a small Brand new stool as a sign of good life hereafter. Left leg on stool symbolize wishing for a baby boy first birth. Right leg on stool symbolize wishing for a baby girl first birth. ( Just a WISH ). There are other means we can deal later, on the baby subject.

    Then, a RED temporary colour marker is used to circle round the Bride to prepare the Bride for the final entrance into the family in front of the Altar. ( With the God/s and/or Ancestor tablet/s as witnesses ).
    Now, the Bride is to break the Red circle surrounding her as the final procedure as confirmation of her acceptance into the family as witnessed by the family God/s and/or Ancestor/s.

    All these while, the Bridegroom parent/s; Grand-parent/s must be stationed in another room. Till after the Bride broke the RED circle and knock on the door to request Audience and seek the Elders permission to receive; and have them welcoming their new Daughter-in-law.

    Next, paying 3 respects in front of the alter to formalise the marriage.

    1- Pay Respect to Parents for their upbringing
    2- Pay Respect to Ancestor/s, thanks them for making this marriage possible
    3- Pay Respect to each other and Swear to be together till old age

    Then the Father in-law to present a Ang-pow to his son, while the Mother
    in-law to present another Ang-pow to the new daughter in-law.

    Next, Tea Serving Ceremony, in accordance to the most elderly first, downwards…..
    Addressing each and everyone as a sign of Respect and Acknowledgment of the newly-wed couple by all presence.

    There may be some eating ceremony to symbolize Union of the couple. Preferably using the same utensil and bowl.

    In their room, to place a pair of the husband’s pants on 2 chairs. With one leg to each chair. Symbolize sharing their destiny together, forever.

    Then, the new Bride’s younger brother 小舅 must visit the new Couple’s room to check on the status and with the intention to report back home to his parents that his elder sister is well taken care of. 探房 Now, the new Brother in-law must present him小舅 with a drumstick shaft into his mouth and a BIG Red packet to sweeten his talk back home.

    Dinner reception are normally held at night to complete the whole event.

    Look only for Restaurant preferably above ground level like 2nd floor and above ( Heaven’s Court ) 天阁
    Basement Restaurant is a ‘no no ‘ as they symbolize Hell setting.

    No 茺 are to be served at the Dinner event. Close resemblance to 冲

    Again, the Husband’s elder or younger sister ( if any ) are to remain low-key at the event. 姑 means 孤.

    In ancient time, the married daughter was only able to make the return trip back to her parents on the 3rd day of the marriage. 回娘家
    As the 2nd day, there were still be many relatives coming to congratulate the Couple. We were big big families in those days.

    With modern time changes with smaller and smaller families nucleus, we now practice going back to the mum’s place on the 2nd day.

    With this, the whole Wedding Ceremony is complete.
    Note :

    My inputs are for references only.💏💏💏

  • Articles,  Date Selection - 择日

    Date Selection – 择日 – 嫁娶 PART 2 – 安床

    Posted on 23rd June 2019 by FengShuiUncle

    Date Selection – 择日 – 嫁娶 PART 2 – 安床”

    Date Selection prior to the actual Wedding Date to Set the couple’s bed.

    Day / Time of the Day selected must not CLASH with the couple’s BAZI

    Considerations –
    太岁方位 In 2019, Tai Sui is at NorthWest 3. (i.e.) -Must not put a fan to offend Tai Sui here.

    三煞方位 In 2019, San Sha is at West Sector. Avoid setting the Bed with the Headboard and/or Leg facing either West and/or East Sector. To avoid activating 3 Killings.

    Avoid using 申 时 (3 to 5 pm) Monkey hour; afflicted with monkey business, mischievous kids

    Pick 安床吉日 from 董公择日 Reference Book
    Try to set bed during the day

    Do Blessing and be joyful
    Pray and thanks God ( Your Beliefs )

    The above are guide for considerations, as there may be other FengShui considerations within the room limitations and facing; do consult your FengShui practitioner for detailed analysis and implementation details.

    Feel free to go to my website – for more interesting posts.