Funan Mall (2019)

  • Articles,  Funan Mall (2019)

    Funan Mall – FengShui Aspects – Part 3 奇門風水


    A very prosperous main entrance with the Chief guarding it.

    Business Success are on the cards; with positive energy flowing into the whole Mall.       

    Bringing in Wealth; Fame and helpful partnerships. A place for learning and growth.                     

    South :

    It like a walk in the Park.

    Joyful occasions and beautiful scenery

    Good for restaurants with family gatherings themes     

    SouthWest :

    A good  place to build-up entrepreneur skills

    Highly intelligent people with good blessings

    Pity that the Chi here is dead; implies restricting growth potentials in this Sector              

    West :

    Good for partnerships; networking/Joint Ventures

    Except projects will be challenging and can be stressful at times.

    More suitable for the young and energetic. Public Speaking / Marketing

    NorthWest :

    More suitable for leading up to offices upstairs

    Opportunities are everywhere for those whom seek and will find Success

    In the shortest possible time                         

    North :

    Good for chit-chatting area. Calm and peaceful

    Angels will keep coming here to help

    NorthEast :

    The most prosperous Sector of the whole Mall

    East :

    The welcoming Chi Sector to bring in people from all walks of life and Far away from all over the world.

    Bringing along Wealth into the Mall





            陰 South West






                    North North West West    
  • Articles,  Funan Mall (2019)

    Funan Mall – FengShui Aspects 2019 Part 2

    Original Flying Star Chart

    After Castle Gate Application

    The Original Flying Star Chart of Funan Mall prior to the re-construction.

    Upon the completion of the new building, with the Main entrance applying The Castle Gate at 45 degree to tap on the oncoming ‘CHI’ for business Prospserity.

    A new Super Prosperous Flying Star Chart is thus created. With current Prosperous Facing Star 8 at the East tapping-in the Prosperous Wealth ‘CHI’ in and towards the Main Entrance. Combining with activation of the Powerful Castle Gate formulae. 

    Exponential Business Growth is positively activated to bloom beyond our Lifetime.

    East 东方. 来气旺发八向星。Prosperous Facing Star 8 is tapped. Combining with SouthEast facing Star 3 fused into Wood. Wood enter FIRE Sector, enhancing the Prosperity of the Main entrance. Fire in turns produce Earth. Earth is Wealth. Earth produce Metal ( 25 meter Steel Structure at the Centre of the Building ) in turns produce Water. Water = Money Luck.

    3+7 is another Prosperous combo. In-line with HE TU principles. Very good for businesses here.

    7+2 is yet another FIRE Structure. Out towards the Hill Street exit.💰💰💰

    Observe also how the interior are designed.

    The way the escalators, walkways, passage and lifts and toilets are positioned strategically conforming to FengShui principles.

    We see 8+3; 3+7; 7+2







    And so so much more….

    Very high level FengShui are applied here.

    There are reasons why the outside /exterior of Funan Mall is designed.

    Why some doors / openings. Security Guardhouse are positioned.

    Why the drive-ways are positioned in the respective manners.

    Why external bicycle tracks are connected in a specific way and Directions.

    The flow leading into the Mall; and upwards / downwards within the Mall.

    Click Here 1 ……… Video Clip

    Click Here 2 ………. Video Clip

    Click Here 3 ………. Video Clip

  • Articles,  Funan Mall (2019)

    Funan Mall – Fengshui Aspects 2019 Part 1

    This Observation is not for the faint hearted. You need some FengShui background to appreciate the Beauty in applying FengShui for Prosperous harmonious living and Business Vibrancy. Very very powerful FengShui are applied here to bring in Wealth$ for the Owners/Tenants.  I observed so so so ……. many powerful Fengshui secrets being applied in combinations and in tantum to maximize the Property’s 101% potentials. Money well spent; and returns will be many many many folds.

    From my observations. This Building will be another Icon in times to come. For this part of the City.

    The Mall orientation Sit NorthWest1 face SouthEast1 坐戌向辰

    Although it is noted to have a 上山下水之局. Still 旺财富贵也; not so prosper xun’xun’xun’xuntilted at 45 degree to tap the Castle Gate. As SE1 facing denotes hurting effect 🔥坑,绝子绝孫。 ; lucky and thanks to the higher mountain of the High/Supreme Court to turn Funan Mall favourably.

    The overall design of Funan Mall is Prosperous to have the Green Dragon 青龍 side higher than the White Tiger 白虎 side.

    At the Left junction facing the Yellow box junction, where facing opposite Peninsula Plaza and diagonally facing the Church premises. (North Bridge Road), 玄空大卦 Xuan Kong Da Gua was applied to receive the flow of POSITIVE CHI +- 60 degree streaming down one-way from the traffic flow coming from the CityHall MRT station. The connection towards the main entrance also depict another positive combination that will triumph over competition and Prosper too. 旺财富贵也; 名利双收; 竟争中得财.

    Noted a certain Combination here to enhance the Dragon FIRE CHI collection. As Fire is the only element in 2019 that can counter and win over the Water Earthly Branch. Creating more Earth in the process increasing Wealth $ for the Businesses here.

    The Digital Clock is designed with the motor movements to properly harness the Prosperous CHI. From there, CHI is collected inwards and upwards towards the building core. Where the 6 storey STEEL structure (25 metres) called the TREE OF LIFE resides. Noticed the Signage here where Funan Sign is displayed. It is tilted at about 60 degree from the Digital Clock as guide to harness Prosperity Luck not only for Period 8; maybe flow over to Period 9 and beyond.

    At the North Bridge road main entrance, I observed the Main entrance is tilted at 45 degree to welcome visitors. So is applied to harness Prosperity luck for the Owners / Tenants of the building. Whether the good luck will lasts 5 years; 20 years; 180 years; 360 years or 720 years. I leave it to my readers to ponder over.

    The old Funan IT Digital Mall had a series of steps and escalators going up. A taboo in fengshui as the good chi was blocked from entering the Mall; thus we experienced a non-vibrant Mall of yesteryear with a sense of coldness. Yin chi 阴气息气 as we called it.

    The new Mall is designed with gradual slope up, also elderly and handicap friendly. A Prosperous vibrant energy is thus created benefiting both Shoppers and Tenants/Owners.
    Chi is collected into the Mall, and received by the 25 meters steel structure – TREE OF LIFE.

    The theoretical aspects denotes CHI is brought into / collected at the centre of the Mall where the TREE OF LIFE resides. As we are still in Period 8, where Earth resides.
    Earth produce Metal, Metal produce Water. Water being the Source of WEALTH. Thus Prosperity for all tenants doing business here.

    Oh yes, this will be the place many couples/families will come. Also potential place for you to meet your the other half. As long as the water remains clear and clean at all times.

    The Ark Futsal court at the Green Dragon side on top of the Mall is planned for use to activate Prosperous CHI from the Eastern Sector of the Mall. Further enhancing the Vibrancy here.

    As the Singapore river bank is at the South Sector of the Mall, the Green Edible Garden is well positioned to receive the Good chi inviting further money luck for all here. But I am a bit worried here; as Water at the South may have some health issues which I would stop short of elaborating here.

    The Bicycle track is calibrated / designed in a unique manner. If one do notice the curve towards the Hill Street exit. And cycling is only allowed during Dragon 辰时 hours in the morning. (7 to 10am) 火生土。

    As we all  know, Dragon is the most Prosperous creature for business growth.  The passage breathe FIRE. Good for business with Shoppers constant flow. A very high level FengShui to collect the Castle Gate CHI into businesses inside the Building. Combination of 10, He Tu Combo are also observed to aid in SUCCESS of most deals done inside the Building.

    Whether other formulaes are applied here will likely be discussed further in my next post.

    The Fengshui aspects of the interior of the building only has 30% importance as compared to 70% importance on the Mall’s exterior facing. Thus, I would not go into the details of the interior Fengshui of the Building.

    大门千斤, 屋四两重。

    to be continued…….

    Please go to my facebook under fengshuiuncle and click on photos and videos about my site visit to Funan Mall to better understand this post.

    Disclaimer : This FengShui audit serve as a casual personal observation. All comments purely serve as a learning tool for fengshui enthusiasts out there and for sharing purposes only. Any similarities are deem to be coincidental.

  • Articles,  Funan Mall (2019)

    Funan Mall – Grand Opening

    Image may contain: sky, cloud and outdoor

    Funan Mall Grand Opening on 28th June 2019. 11.30am officially. Re-built in Period 8, only have 5 +- years to go before we enter Period 9.
    In Xuan Kong Da Gua, 玄空大卦, we are already in Period 9.
    A good example of my Date Selection series.
    Today is a super duper prosperous day for a new business Grand Opening. Funan Mall Grand Opening today…See More
    As I have guessed.
    FIRE hour/Horse hour. 午时。
    2019 is a Water year.
    Only FIRE can be prosperous.
    Those of you, with Bazi inside got FIRE like 丙火 丁火 。 or 午。
    2019 is still a very prosperous year for you….

    Snake is not as good because snake gunna Tai Sui 犯太岁。in 2019.
    To be continued……. ( The FengShui Aspects…)