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    Wow, Recapping my Prediction posted on 28 Oct 2019

    Wow, going through my posts to refresh my own memory. Came across this post I did on 28th October 2019. In my own BAZI chart. I possess a certain traits that says I can predict the near future quite accurately.
    Confirming my recollections that I started doing very well since young to be able to ‘see’ events coming true in the near future. Remembering a event that I told my dad to buy ‘5555’ in that particular day (a Saturday) when I was about 10 years old. My dad did not think much of it…… That very night, ‘5555’ came out 1st Prize in our country’s Lottery draw. Guess did my dad strike winning BIG that night???
    After I completed my National Service in March 1987, one morning, I woke up and just told my mum to forget about our CPF monies. The monies would only be good for “Housing’ and Retirement needs. Wow, it came true somehow today 2020 with some tweaks to the system to allow Singaporeans to invest in Shares, and for Children tertiary education use with limitations.
    Along the way till today, there were too many predictions that came true….. countless….
    But, please don’t try to have me telling you what numbers will come true in the next draw. I don’t do such things.
    So far, many have benefitted from my writings on Stock Market stock picks/movements in my Whatsapp Group. I am stopping it for now.
    Hmmmm, whats next???

    Some posts that follow, I did mentioned my reluctance to post FY2020 predictions as I mentioned most will be bad news.

    Well, the rest is now HISTORY……..

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    2020 Global Markets Collapse -WHO IS SAVING WHO???

    It pains me, for that I cannot hold on anymore….

    That events unfolding since the Global Stock markets started collapsing since Last Friday.

    To my fans, followers and Haters out there.

    Trust me. I posted too many posts, not here. But in my WhatsApp messaging App among my ‘Friends’.


    Because my phone is just too convenient for me. For my Website, I got to be with my Laptop, Start it. Run it, then login to my Website, and do the necessary postings.

    Yes, I am a layman. I am proud of my achievements able to run my humble website from a non- IT savvy person like me. Especially a old Chinese man in Singapore from the 60’s.

    I hope I can have time over the weekend to re-posts all my Worldly predictions from my phone here.

    Almost all, if not…. ALL correctly predicted since January 2020.

    The current Covid-19 or I preferably like to call it…. Wuhan-400. Its impact on Global Economic problems.

    All World leaders are at lost and pressured by their State Of Affairs; So far, implemented all the measures and So called Stimulus are for WHO???

    The big boys played with FIRE. You reaped from the systems. Built your Castles, bought your Lamborghinis and what not. And now with markets collapsing; You want the men on the Streets to bear your Stupidity and Insanities??? And guarantee your safety???

    Only now that you realise you need the men on the Streets to feed your GREED. Or plain ABUSE????

    Governments are printing money. Who are you actually helping???

    Please STOP. For no amount of PRINTING of money your machines can handle can fill the 75% OCEAN of Economic problems right in front of you.

    The money will go back to the WASTE RUBBISH BINS of WALL STREETS all over the world.

    All look bloody STUPID as at now…. Except one.

    No one speak so precisely, to the point and sounds logical.

    It may not work perfectly. As this Epic Financial Tsunami coupled by current unsolvable Wuhan-400 tragedy. Looking forward, we better move one step at a time hand-in-hand to hope to see LIGHT at the other end of the tunnel as Global responsible players. No one knows how long this episode is going to last.

    I predicted some 18 months for this episode to see more positive counter measures and/or medicine to start ability to tame this Wuhan-400 since it was first announced to the world in January 2020.

    Do read up on non other than ECB President Christine Lagarde speech on Thursday. Looks promising a step forward for mankind.

    Just my 2 cents worth.

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    Predictions for FY2020

    For those who know me very personnally…

    Only a handful known what drastic measure I went / do to where I am right now…

    Absolutely unthinkable…. Why I did it?

    because of negative events that I foresee happening now and beyond 2021.


    See what happened so far in the world 2020.

    More to come……

    Prepare for more :

    1- More earthquakes

    2- More Aids cases

    3- More Water-related illness

    4- More extra-maritial affairs exposed….

    5- More Sex related activities

    6- More LBGT or some newer terms to this; news and activities

    7- Buildings will still collaspe

    8- Another Titanic sinking. History going to repeat itself.

    9- More sinking-prone islands; low lands disappearing

    10- Tsunami and/or more flooding

    11- A few Righteous men/women will emerge

    12- More Wars and fighting (internal/external) Riotings/ Social unrest) More bombings

    13- We will be rougher, tougher; more brutal and violent towards our opponents

    14- More will be selfish and self-centred

    15- Many unexplainable events will occur like finding a aeroplane landed in a busy downtown shopping area…. somewhere on earth……

    Just an example….

    16- Hyflux troubles is not over yet. Worst shit to come…. unless….

    A miracle like ???? Happens… I would not reveal….. the ???

    It is a Million dollar answer…

    Who is willing to pay me????

    Curious…. Will Ms Lum be the next Heroine????女中豪杰
    Live to fight another day….
    It is my best clue…..

    17- Crops output to fall.

    Go buy agricultural stocks. Timing is omnipotent.

    18- Financial markets will continue to do well till late July2020.

    Financial meltdown globally….

    Best time to buy properties by then…..
    ‘Lay-long’ prices…..

    19- Towards 2021…. Everything will be cheap as Global Economy fails….

    20- The rich will get even richer…

    21- Still, the masses will continue to suffer

    22- Governments will safe themselves first or you???? Think……

    22- SG shutting down on China travellers…. I bet it is a Wrong call. Being shown a responsible govt protecting the nation is right.
    But just ‘a frog in the well’.井底之蛙。
    There are better diplomatic yet self-protective measures too. We had jumped the gun.🤦‍♀🤦‍♀🤦‍♀ As we fail to see the bigger picture beyond this horizon. It shows the character of our govt. Be it how protective they want for their people.

    The key words are containment and managing /fighting / defeating the epidemic.
    I don’t think we can ever claim to have world standard of medical care anymore…

    Do we have substance???

    23- Following up on points 11,14 and 16.

    Masses selfishes evolve a call. A desperate call shouting out for a hero…..

    Most have the you do first. You go first attitude..🤷‍♀🤷‍♀🤷‍♀

    Yes, someone will stand up and be counted….

    He/she will lead us forward .. .

    24- ISSI will be further weakened…. not necessary wipe-out…..

    The world will see more women leaders….

    Have the men chicken out??? Less brainy???

    25- The further rise of China. Weakening West.

    It is prophercised. Of course the West will try to delay the truth from happening.

    No man can stop the path of destiny. It is fated to come this way.

    It had proven with all past dynasties and empires….

    The nature rule…

    What goes up must come down….

    One day……

    My mind goes blank….

    Will write again…..
    [15:53, 2/2/2020]

    Follow me on my facebook : fengshuiuncle

    And/or www.//

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    Godfrey Gao – Ending with a BANG 2019

    Wow,…… Thank you , Thank you… and Thank you….

    I got so many fengshui engagements; visiting places and a trip to Johor Bahru recently to audit a client’s house. Of course I also throw-in adhoc shopping trip around City Square area.

    Schedule were so tight that I got no time to write.

    Now enjoying a breather and ready to go… soon.

    Yes, a client was asking me about Godfrey Gao’s sudden death.

    Personally, I don’t follow celebrities…. Only get to know about him from my client.

    Well, I used QiMen to find out more about his death and the divination answer was wow…..

    This is a typical QiMen chart. The time of asking was used to plot the chart.

    2019 Nov28 0221hrs.

    Look at the E- stands for East.

    庚 is the indicator that the East box/sector is where our reading is; to find out more into his death.

    He was in the Eastern part of a place.

    Had a heart-attack. As the cause of death. 心,死,

    庚+陰 suggest he suffered from emotional crisis.

    At age 35, for 35 or 53 are heart-attack number combinations.

    Something suggest underlying devilish water stuff was also involved. Some unseen hands may be involved. I stop my reading here. There are more to probe.

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    2019 Prediction – Water Related Illness

    Another prediction came true…..

    Please Click Here…

    P.S. I predicted a certain defensive stock should do well in 2020 and 2021.

    Now, hesitating to proceed to share more about FY2020 predictions….

    As bombs have started so early blowing up everywhere.

    Uprising / Civil unrest have already started in many Countries.

    More to come……

    India is not looking too good either….

    They produce 2 million new job applicants in every 2 months. 75% of the working applicants have training shifted from Argriculture to Industry-related ones… Mostly in IT / Commerce related fields.

    Imbalance as Agriculture has shrinked too much. Similar trend in China.

    Is World War 3 brewing / in the making ???

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    Chain Collision 2019

    Bingo, Trains collided near Dhaka, in Bangladesh on 12/11/2019.

    I felt sorry for them.

    My predictions are almost all coming true for 2019. Now the ‘HIT’ rate crosses 90% or more.

    That’s why I am hesitating to roll-out my FY 2020 predictions. mostly bad.

    Sorry guys…..

    The link to my predictions 2019