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    ‘Bombs’ will be dropped from the Sky prediction

    As at now 10 November 2019. We are in the process of entering the FY2020 ‘chi’ atmosphere.

    I again stress most predictions for FY2020 are negative. Still hesitating to release all that I had already written in draft.

    Just to share a bit more.

    Expect wet wet wet year ahead FY2020.

    Harvest will not be good. Poor farmers sweat and toll will go wasted. I know some who read between the lines will invest in Agricultural stocks as food prices will have to go up. Scarcity theory.

    Property price are supposed to drop further.

    Election sweetener – Singapore Government latest efforts to help 1st time home owners ( Citizens and/or with foreign partners ) own their 1st public housing flats with grants for both new and resale flats purchases of up to $80,000. Indirectly acknowledging ‘someone’ has artificially pushed up too high; our public housing prices. I will have to stop politics to this point.

    So it contradict natural procession of things artificially. Overall, prices should still continue with a downward slide. In a way, the impact will just slow the downward momentum.

    Paradigm – I find it funny that our government always artificially control property prices. Always worried prices going too high or too low….. It works against logic. Against market trends. Against property prices natural cycle.

    I termed it – Their logic.

    Against a backdrop of negative world/economic sentiments; and more to come. I have my reservations.

    Coming back to the ‘bomb’ threat.

    By ‘Bombs’, It can mean War between Countries, internal War/Conflicts within a Country. Or yes, asteroids falling from outer space hitting earth.庚子年。Metal falling from heaven hitting Earth. Thus producing excess water that destroy earth, harvest. As too much water rot away the crops.

    Hope it only burn down to ashes on its descent and miss mother Earth.

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    Stock Market Minnie Bull Run till 08 November 2019

    Bingo. My prediction of a minnie bull run came true for 2019.

    Spot on with 3 major US Stock Indexes hitting record highs at noon US time.

    It goes to show chinese metaphysics works.

    With it, I close my case.

    Beyond 08 November 2019, good luck for the more adventurous punters.

    The markets will go into unchartered territories….

    I don’t have the courage to stomach volatilities….

    Good Luck…………….

    Oops… for the uninitiated…. there is a bearing on our local Singapore stock market.

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    Another Prediction coming true 2019

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    We cannot help the whole world.

    We as practitioners of Chinese Metaphysics, can only do so much.

    Reading the future. It pain me that especially so when bad predictions came true.

    And we also know that most people who read what we wrote. Be it on print or through the internet. Most will add a pinch of Salt. Doubtful and maybe hope predictions don’t come true and fire us as scammers. Running us down. This is the real world.

    Of course there are still some who thanks us for our works and taken steps and be mindful themselves.

    It is our belief that it is god’s sent for us to carry out such unrewarding works.

    I would love to add, read for leisure. And be happy.

    Just hope if things that turn out true, be appreciative and grateful that someone put in efforts chipping in for those that may cross onto our path and benefitted.

    Om ma ne pad me hum…..

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    Sell Sell Sell

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    Ok guys, Have to continue and end where I started off.

    Do consider selling-off your Singapore stocks by or before 8th November 2019.

    Minnie Bull run will be losing steam soon……

    Hope you benefited from this tip.

    I will not be liable for any losses; and I am excluded from all liabilities for taking my advice.

    Just my 2 cents worth….

    Good Luck….

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    USA Presidential Election


    3rd November 2020 – Tuesday as scheduled.

    USA Presidential Election 2020

    Donald Trump is ji earth. So in FY2020, which is a Water year. Earth counter Water. Also, it is held in Nov, Water month too. Earth Day.


    So from FY2020 and thru FY2021. He will be at his most powerful state of mind and energy. Beyond that, good luck to him…..

    My prediction for him…..

    Yes, he is destined to WIN. to continue his 2nd term in office.

    For punters, please bet for fun.

    I am not liable for any financial loss, and immune from all liabilities.


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    Year 2020 – 庚子年

    A quick one –

    A drastic/ major/unimaginable magnitude event will happen in China.

    Something like a bombshell drop. Changing to a new China forever.

    Something that of a renewal. Drastic change. A new era…………..

    Good or bad……….. You see…… lah….

    Change by civil groups…. too…. all over the world…

    Click here….

  • Articles,  Blogs,  Xuan Kong - 玄空

    Classical Feng Shui

    I practice Classical FengShui.

    Put it in plain English, how to blend-in the forces of nature with your environment. Putting in good use of daily necessities without the need for fanciful and/or expensive FengShui items to boost and enhance living.

    Sounds cheap… Yes, who says FengShui is expensive.

    For FengShui believers, we have to face the yearly 5 yellow; 2 Black; 3 Killings and Tai Sui. They rotate within the various locations in your premises every year. And it will goes on and on and on and…..

    So, in order to apply our knowhow in FengShui, I only recommend simply, cheap yet effective remedies to counter all the above. And best of all, the items are available everywhere in the Stores.

    Things needed : –

    • A small LED light with holder
    • A 2 foot by 4 foot water container or sizable drum
    • A small underwater aquarium air-flow pump without need for air-bubbles
    • 10 to 20 kg of Metal weights with holder preferably
    • Wealth Vase, Coin Banks
    • 1 piece (Red – coloured paper)

    We are almost done. Thats it.

    A typical engagement of my FengShui Consultation goes like this : –

    • Client enquiry about their FengShui requirements thru Emails/Calls
    • Once my Service is contracted
    • 1st appointment at Client’s residence for initial readings
    • 2nd appointment at Client’s residence to handover FengShui Report
    • Within 100 days; or a later date if Client has renovations yet to complete to have a final Checking
    • Job done? No, Client is welcome to give me a ring when they think they have some issues like new placements or shifting of placements.

    Of course, I will be on ‘stealth mode’ visiting Client’s locations from time to time for up to (10 to 20 hours) to make sure all details are noted.

    I do provide Yearly review of the Client’s premise for a small fee. 风水轮流转。

    Impermanence; as the Earth rotate and orbit around the Sun. The magnetic interference on all matter plus the changes of the seasons have bearings and effects on all things on Earth.

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    Prosperous North coming your way

    Image may contain: text
    A few months back, while I was with my friends residing at Woodlands area; I told them to stay put where they are.

    As based on Xuan Kong calculation; Northern part of Singapore will be very PROSPEROUS for the next 20 to 25 years.

    Wow….. it came true…..

    Both Singapore and Malaysia will be working together to see through the coming MRT line linking woodlands to JB and hopefully beyond…..

    Imagine the traffic/human flow between our 2 neighbours.

    For prosperity and progress for both Countries….

    For the people of both Countries….

    For Commerce…….

    For bilateral relations….

    for mankind….

    we are humans….


    Sadly, my niece whom was advised by me to try and benefit from this prediction, did not get her hands on a property here due to unforeseen circumstances….


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