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    Women, Good & Bad are coming your way..

    As we are experiencing a weather phenomenon in the whole world, for another 5 years or so.

    More melting of the icebergs at both North and South poles will see further drop in global temperatures.

    We will be experiencing cooler weather ahead in the short term.

    But weather will still create havoc with drastic daily extreme hot cold hot cold changes that we will complain over and over frequently at our coffee and/or small talks.

    Damage to the earth Ozone layer topics will pop-up again.

    Yes…. We are going through a transition to the next period.

    Period 9…….

    Past 5000 years or so.

    Man have ruled most part of the whole period. With some ‘window of rule’ under women like Cleopatra…武則天

    It  was too ‘yang’ 陽。

    Imbalance of both the ‘yin&yang’ 阴陽失调。

    Heaven had it that the world was much cooler then.

    Well, it can also be interpreted the other way that the earth was too cold.

    Therefore more men were borned to counter the imbalance of nature according to the study of Yi Jing.易经。

    Yes, with MEN, come WARS…

    The world went through turbulence after turbulence……

    Conquering and quests….

    We landed here today 2019.

    Those with acquired Wealth and Power…. MEN…..   have concubines; mistresses …

    Men were wife beaters…. Of course now a lot have changed with times….

    More shit to come… for men…. towards 2020 and beyond….

    Already we are witnessing the softening of men…. Not necessary a weakness…

    Like in LBGT movements and creating awareness and recognition of their existence …..

    The atmosphere is going through some climatic turbulence too.

    More earthquakes and Tsunamis will be hitting mankind right in our face. Like it or not…

    As climate experts already forecasted hotter weather ahead.

    Yes, temperatures are going up and up and up afterwhich….

    Some countries will become too unbearable that migration will be on the cards. The world order will have to change. Country immigration policies will change. Maybe more lax refugee treatments too on humanity grounds.

    Lucky thing is – The potential of WAR outbreak becoming more unlikely after 2024. Common sense will apply to work out differences ….

    Ladies, will you rule the World in the coming 25 years and beyond???

    Coming back to Yi Jing 易经。

    As the world temperatures rises….

    More and more girls will be borned. Hope most have observed/noticed this trend started already. And it will be more obvious for the next 25 years and beyond…

    Heaven has it to balance the imbalance…. ‘yin’阴 is introduced to balance too much ‘yang’陽 from the rise in world temperatures…

    As we have already witnessed the coming of age and propagating equality for women to compete on same footing with men on the world stage.

    Women make better accountants. Time will tell.

    But lack courage for being too cautious. They work well in the stock markets over time. Yet there will still be times men will have to intervene to bring about change.

    Women will hold more and more important positions. Making final calls and of course…. Calling the shots.

    Women will make more money than men. And more capable too.

    Hold your guns …. Women.

    There’s a price to pay……

    There will come of time that you have to share your man with not 3; not 4…

    Maybe 5 or more other women.

    There is no ‘take it or leave it’ option here.

    I promise you…. It is coming …..

    Women will be going round hunting for men for their selfish use…..

    Some will be more than happy to share  ..

    In the end, I will still want to be born again…. Yes….. a man.

  • Articles,  Blogs

    Events Predictions 2019

    This was a piece I sent out to all my clients and followers on the 1st January 2019. Most of my predictions have come true so early into 2019. Now that Australia is experiencing out of this world weather havoc.


    Means earth 己 come down to control water亥 year. Water related industries will suffer… like banks stocks…..Water related and links 吧.

    Earth go to control. In itself will weaken itself. So implies properties stocks like CDL will suffer….

    They need fire 火🔥。So fire industries will boom…..

    Like fashion…

    己 means snake….So trains la…. chain collision la… that kill many ppl la.

    Deception la…

    Suffocate you la…

    Poisonous la

    Cunning la

    亥 means pig.

    Lazy la

    More obesity la

    Let people eat la

    Army General upcoming la

    Water alot la… Tsunami..

    Flooding….. that kill many people la.

    Rapid water means impatient that kill la –  like on the roads

    Those bazi got water must be careful..

    Extra careful… dont go near water like pools; beach, seaside. Sailing… water sports.

    Those bazi got earth $$$ luck good. This is your golden year. Maximise all your wealth potentials. Before it is gone.

    Must unearth gold only…

    Where your money will come from….

    Water also means mother…  so married and old woman got more health issues… go check-up

    Water means more adultery….

    Woman let water..😜

    No fire… so more homosexual and lesbians making headlines…

    And more AIDS cases popping up….

    Earth means centre…  middle-east. That’s means terrorism will make a comeback…Earth means China…. => Yes… China will have internal problems…..

    The world will suffer as a result.🤔

    USA should have been deceptive and win over China in a bogey trap in the process of negotiation. Deceptakhon…

    Never trust the WEST fully….

    Water related illness will surface… Don’t go near seaside…. those holiday places near sea… which month must calculate. No time here…..

    Buildings will collapse…..

    Man will find new things inside earth…. gold also….

    These much for now…..

    My mind go blank liao……😓😓😓

    Mr Low.刘先生。

  • Articles,  Xuan Kong - 玄空

    Xuan Kong – Flying Stars

    Do you know?

    The fengshui of a property on the ground floor, is different from a fengshui on the 2nd, 3rd, 4th floor and so on… If the building concern is owned/rented by different owners/tenants within the property. Each with their vested title interests respectively.

    Different calculations have to be applied for the respective floors as each floor will have their own distinctive chi flow.

    Were there times you notice although neighbours staying on top of your unit or below with same layout design like yours, but are enjoying better life than yours. If your family life happened to be in bad shape.

    Xuan Kong Purple White – Upper scroll

    Yes, Stars fly differently in high-rise buildings. As compared to landed properties. And the stars changed positions within a high-rise property every year; every floor, every different main door orientation of the respective units within the same floor.

    If a high-rise 2 or 3 storey building is owned by the same Owner, then flying stars application are quite straight-forward and the same flying star calculation is applied across the board to all respective floors.

    In a nutshell, if your floor cum unit is lucky to have very prosperous flying stars coming into your main door in a particular year, then you will enjoy good wealth and prosperity luck for that particular year. Endless stream of happy tidings are pouring to the household and joyful occasions one after another.

    Wait, if only you know how to harness the benefits of fengshui to welcome that prosperous year…….

    Good luck come and go,,, small change every 9 years. Big change every 20 year. Major change every 60 years. Long term change every 180 years……

    The role of the fengshui practitioner is to harness and maximise the property potential to benefit the residents.

    We will talk about Period luck soon…..

    Thanks for reading…..

  • Articles,  Date Selection - 择日

    Date Selection – 择日嫁娶 PART 1

    Date Selection Effect – Immediate as compared to FengShui; which can be felt by 100 days or longer to take effect.

    Trust me, after going through the following lists, you will find that there are just that few days left to choose from within a given year. More so with urgency because of a growing stomach that the woman concerned cannot wait too long. And that time is of essence.

    As a matter of professionalism and Divine considerations, for people who seek my service to choose a Auspicious date; I will prefer to turn away such situational awkwardness. I hold to the belief of Most Auspicious setting a top priority over urgency.

    When come to Chinese culture in ancient times, we have many customs and rituals that the older generations tend to follow most practices to the letter. Divorce was unheard of; and a taboo.

    More so, rituals related to getting married. The old great grand aunties were the ones adamant ‘ die die ’ must follow-through procedures that put the whole event into history museum. I mean put-off by the younger generations.

    Today, we have simplified so many rituals and procedures that the ones paying the money; usually the ‘going to get married’ couple. They call the shots. The wedding planner, family elders now seems to have less and less ‘SAY’ in the whole episode.

    I do hope there is no co-relation between actual clashes of events against age old protocol with rising divorces in recent years.

    Nevertheless, I try to share knowledge that I get to know for readers reference.

    Of course, we do have diversity with our many dialect groups among the Chinese. Each may have differ/variation of the whole wedding procedures to follow through.

    Please do use your own dialect preference when situation call for.

    We all have 3 BIG days in our lives.

    • The day we were born
    • The day we get married
    • The day when we die…….

    During these 3 days; all GOOD must come to you, and your loved ones will observe that BAD things don’t cross your path.

    Getting married

    Date Selection criterias…..

    Both the couples’ BAZI八字  must not clash with the day selected

    Year of Birth for – Great grand-parent/s; Grand-parents; Parents. (Detailed in some cases)

    Some go to the extend of not getting married within their elders’ Month of Birth.

    Siblings Month of Birth are depending on circumstances; more for consideration if they are directly involved in the ceremony of welcoming the couple ( to & fro ) from both families.

    For Cantonese, elder and/or younger sister of the Bridegroom are advised to observe low profile throughout the whole Wedding.  姑 means lonely, oddity. Only one left.

    Many modern Practitioners choose Dates that clashes with the elders in matter of ‘no choice’, and suggest that the Elders (i.e. Grand parents to avoid receiving the newly-wed couple when the young ones came home vice versa ).

    No, it is a ‘NO NO’. Within a year, ill health will befall on the elders somehow, worst….. pass-on after-which.

    As the Bride to-be will enter into a new page in life for giving life to the next generation.

    We cannot tell, whether the next King, Queen, President, Prime Minister or someone of GREATNESS will be born into this family?

    So our Chinese age-old practices must preferably be follow-through for all the BLESSINGS that can befall on the lucky couple. Now, we are getting somewhere……

    There are so many days that cannot be used. After factoring all the required inputs. Furthermore, there are many months and days that are inauspicious too.

    Like –

    Lunar New Year 1st day

    Qin Ming清 明

    Lunar 7th Month农历七月

    Ren Month壬  月

    Personal Bad/Breaker Dates

    Year/Month/Day Breaker Days

    Various Clashes

    10 Big Disaster Days / No Wealth Days

    4 Separation Days

    4 Extinct Days

    The 12 Day Officers Method

    The 28 Constellations Method

    Good Timing and the STARS

    The Gods and Killings Method

    San Sha Year/Month/Day/Hour (Especially so for Setting of Bed ); no digging, renovation nor movements must be observed.

    Tiger year of Birth Ladies, bad news for you. You are to be avoided at all COSTS during the Wedding ceremony. As ancient belief has it that you will eat up all the couple’s potential of child bearing possibilities…… Of course, no harm on your presence during the evening Wedding Banquet.

    Pregnant women are advised not to be presence during the Wedding Ceremony as they clash with the Bride to-be.

    On top of all the above, we throw in Dong Gong Date Selection, and so many more……


    P.S. Dong Gong Date Selection董 公 择日学  was meant only accessible by the Imperial Court in ancient times kept and protected for Emperor and the Royalty use. It is more accurate than Tong-Shu used mainly by the Commoners.

    With also word of mouth secrets pass down by master to master, Date Selection process has become a sophisticated study to benefit mankind at large.

    My advice is, for the discerning, do consider the price you pay to the practitioner, money well spent.

    For who knows, the next Prime Minister or President; may be borned into your family…..

    To be continued……………. 

  • Articles,  Date Selection - 择日

    Date Selection – Introduction 择日

    Hello, I will be doing a series on the study and importance of Date Selections.择日。

    Have been observing an increase in divorce rates lately.

    Some couples even in the mid of waiting for keys to their new bird-nests.
    Some barely a year into their marriages.
    Some, for unexplainable reasons, have frictions with the in-laws….
    Some, have troubles conceiving…. while some although continue to stay together; but with frequent arguments at the slightest initial verbal exchange on topics ranging from going for a meal. Or choosing the path to turn left or right.
    Yes, such ridiculous hoo-haa exist…..

    Hope to share enough light into this subject and will branch out to applications for moving into a new home and more….

    Oh yes, the picture depict a sample of a typical TongShu from辛卯年…. which many practitioners use for Date Selections purposes.

    Sadly, it is not enough a reference book for Date Selection purposes.
    For more advanced practitioners, we have also to make references from Dong Gong董公择日 Date Selection Reference Book, and also finer pointers pass down from master to master.口诀。

    My parting advice to all, why not give our ancient art of practice consideration.
    To harmonise living, and build a better tomorrow for our next generation to progress and prosper.

  • Articles

    Funan Mall – Grand Opening

    Funan Mall Grand Opening on 28th June 2019. 11.30am officially.
    Re-built in Period 8, only have 5 +- years to go before we enter Period 9.

    In Xuan Kong Da Gua, 玄空大卦, we are already in Period 9.
    A good example of my Date Selection series.

    Today is a super duper prosperous day for a new business Grand Opening.Funan Mall Grand Opening today…See More
    As I have guessed.
    FIRE hour/Horse hour. 午时。
    2019 is a Water year.
    Only FIRE can be prosperous.
    Those of you, with Bazi inside got FIRE like 丙火 丁火 。 or 午。
    2019 is still a very prosperous year for you….

    Snake is not as good because snake gunna Tai Sui 犯太岁 in 2019.

    To be continued……. ( The FengShui Aspects…)

  • Articles,  Xuan Kong - 玄空

    Xuan Kong Flying Stars – Part 3

    Ladies – Bonus for you 2019

    Killing 2 birds with 1 stone.

    Ladies, to increase your Wealth and Prosperity in 2019. Not necessary a windfall; if an added bonus. Why not.

    Rather continuous stream of money coming your way. I advocate direct wealth creation over a windfall like striking Lottery.

    Locating the SouthWest Sector in your house/apartment/Office (within your room/table boundary). Place a Wealth Chest; Coin Bank. Put in Coins everyday to harness inflow of money Luck.

    The use of coins will also tame the 5 Yellow Star. Protect you from serious harm and add Prosperity Luck.

  • Articles,  Xuan Kong - 玄空

    Xuan Kong Flying Stars – Part 2

    Click for Video link

    They will hit you, every year….

    Grand Duke – Tai Sui.

    Tai Sui to the chinese as known, fly into NorthWest 3 Sector this year 2019.

    As to our belief, we respect Tai Sui and we don’t do the followings in this Sector.

    No renovations; no digging,no extensions / new modifications to this area extending outwards from your house/factory.

    It is believe BAD stuff will befall on the residents if offended.

    Flying Star 9, happened to fly into here. Placing a Wealth vase, or SAFE here will increase the wealth potential of the male owner of the property.

    3 Killings (San Sha) fly into the whole West Sector in 2019.

    Major mishaps / misfortunes / harm will come to the residents if the following are done in this area.

    Like hacking; drilling; or renovation works are done here. Example like more arguments are also possible with people in general if activated.

    It dictate the youngest daughter most likely falling sick if activated.

    Flying Star 1  fly into the West Sector in 2019. Positive enhancements can be placed here to benefit speaking / selling / marketing and working in harmony with people in general. Doing more business with partners and speaking well. Tendency to see clearer and make decisions with a sound mind.

    5 Yellow – Wu Huang/ Flying Star 5 fly into the SouthWest Sector in 2019.

    Preferably move any motor movables out of here to avoid offending it. Like a fan.

    To counter 5 Yellow, just place 10 to 20 kg heavy weights here would do the trick. Or some heavy metallic objects.

    It is like a Lioness is coming into SouthWest Sector to harm you. A remedy cure is to use the above weights to counter its intention.

    5 Yellow represent Earth, so to weaken its effects, metal objects are placed here.

    Earth produce metal like GOLD. In the process, weaken Earth effects.

    When the Lioness heard its cubs are crying out here, it  will do its best to calm its cubs from crying. Bringing peace and harmony to the residents in the process.