Xuan Kong - 玄空
Heng Swee Keat Prediction
I made a off-Q prediction on 8th June 2019, after hearing news of Mr Heng Swee Keat’s appointment as our Deputy Prime Minister of Singapore. And soon taking over our Premiership in time to come.
Using simple Chinese metaphysics, for which I did not invent it. Rather our ancestors few thousand over years of knowledge and wisdom that define what we know as it is today.
We shall begin………
We are in Period 8, which last from 2003 to 2024.
Which stands for Young man. Not old man.
So when Mr Heng Swee Keat was named as the next in-line to take over as our Prime Minister in 2019.
I did some calculations and came up with some very interesting results that did not tally what was been announced to the Nation.
I put everything on the line to wedge a gamble. No, he will not be our next Prime Minister in calling.
Hope that I will be correct in the near future.
Also, I had gathered some vivid information that Mr Heng is borned in a Ox year.
Ox has interesting characteristics, which I will not go into in today’s topic.
And also his age; which does not tally with our Chinese Metaphysics logic nor conform to our ancestors’ teachings on succession plans.
And some other nitty gritty calculations that I do not think it is worthwhile to share with all here as the matter has been put to rest.
Well, at that time, both Mr Heng and Mr Chan’s names were the only 2 announced ready to take over our Premiership. So naturally, Mr Chan will be the next likely person after Mr Heng to take over the Premiership.
If no new names are mentioned in coming announcements, then Mr Chan Chun Sing stand a very high chance to be our next PM.
Just another piece of interesting read to get all eyes open to the power of Chinese Metaphysics…..
Add a pinch of salt, predictions, as it is…. just predictions…..
Classical Feng Shui
I practice Classical FengShui.
Put it in plain English, how to blend-in the forces of nature with your environment. Putting in good use of daily necessities without the need for fanciful and/or expensive FengShui items to boost and enhance living.
Sounds cheap… Yes, who says FengShui is expensive.
For FengShui believers, we have to face the yearly 5 yellow; 2 Black; 3 Killings and Tai Sui. They rotate within the various locations in your premises every year. And it will goes on and on and on and…..
So, in order to apply our knowhow in FengShui, I only recommend simply, cheap yet effective remedies to counter all the above. And best of all, the items are available everywhere in the Stores.
Things needed : –
- A small LED light with holder
- A 2 foot by 4 foot water container or sizable drum
- A small underwater aquarium air-flow pump without need for air-bubbles
- 10 to 20 kg of Metal weights with holder preferably
- Wealth Vase, Coin Banks
- 1 piece (Red – coloured paper)
We are almost done. Thats it.
A typical engagement of my FengShui Consultation goes like this : –
- Client enquiry about their FengShui requirements thru Emails/Calls
- Once my Service is contracted
- 1st appointment at Client’s residence for initial readings
- 2nd appointment at Client’s residence to handover FengShui Report
- Within 100 days; or a later date if Client has renovations yet to complete to have a final Checking
- Job done? No, Client is welcome to give me a ring when they think they have some issues like new placements or shifting of placements.
Of course, I will be on ‘stealth mode’ visiting Client’s locations from time to time for up to (10 to 20 hours) to make sure all details are noted.
I do provide Yearly review of the Client’s premise for a small fee. 风水轮流转。
Impermanence; as the Earth rotate and orbit around the Sun. The magnetic interference on all matter plus the changes of the seasons have bearings and effects on all things on Earth.
Xuan Kong – Flying Stars
Do you know?
The fengshui of a property on the ground floor, is different from a fengshui on the 2nd, 3rd, 4th floor and so on… If the building concern is owned/rented by different owners/tenants within the property. Each with their vested title interests respectively.
Different calculations have to be applied for the respective floors as each floor will have their own distinctive chi flow.
Were there times you notice although neighbours staying on top of your unit or below with same layout design like yours, but are enjoying better life than yours. If your family life happened to be in bad shape.
Xuan Kong Purple White – Upper scroll
Yes, Stars fly differently in high-rise buildings. As compared to landed properties. And the stars changed positions within a high-rise property every year; every floor, every different main door orientation of the respective units within the same floor.
If a high-rise 2 or 3 storey building is owned by the same Owner, then flying stars application are quite straight-forward and the same flying star calculation is applied across the board to all respective floors.
In a nutshell, if your floor cum unit is lucky to have very prosperous flying stars coming into your main door in a particular year, then you will enjoy good wealth and prosperity luck for that particular year. Endless stream of happy tidings are pouring to the household and joyful occasions one after another.
Wait, if only you know how to harness the benefits of fengshui to welcome that prosperous year…….
Good luck come and go,,, small change every 9 years. Big change every 20 year. Major change every 60 years. Long term change every 180 years……
The role of the fengshui practitioner is to harness and maximise the property potential to benefit the residents.
We will talk about Period luck soon…..
Thanks for reading…..
Xuan Kong Flying Stars – Part 3
Ladies – Bonus for you 2019
Killing 2 birds with 1 stone.
Ladies, to increase your Wealth and Prosperity in 2019. Not necessary a windfall; if an added bonus. Why not.
Rather continuous stream of money coming your way. I advocate direct wealth creation over a windfall like striking Lottery.
Locating the SouthWest Sector in your house/apartment/Office (within your room/table boundary). Place a Wealth Chest; Coin Bank. Put in Coins everyday to harness inflow of money Luck.
The use of coins will also tame the 5 Yellow Star. Protect you from serious harm and add Prosperity Luck.
Xuan Kong Flying Stars – Part 2
They will hit you, every year….
Grand Duke – Tai Sui.
Tai Sui to the chinese as known, fly into NorthWest 3 Sector this year 2019.
As to our belief, we respect Tai Sui and we don’t do the followings in this Sector.
No renovations; no digging,no extensions / new modifications to this area extending outwards from your house/factory.
It is believe BAD stuff will befall on the residents if offended.
Flying Star 9, happened to fly into here. Placing a Wealth vase, or SAFE here will increase the wealth potential of the male owner of the property.
3 Killings (San Sha) fly into the whole West Sector in 2019.
Major mishaps / misfortunes / harm will come to the residents if the following are done in this area.
Like hacking; drilling; or renovation works are done here. Example like more arguments are also possible with people in general if activated.
It dictate the youngest daughter most likely falling sick if activated.
Flying Star 1 fly into the West Sector in 2019. Positive enhancements can be placed here to benefit speaking / selling / marketing and working in harmony with people in general. Doing more business with partners and speaking well. Tendency to see clearer and make decisions with a sound mind.
5 Yellow – Wu Huang/ Flying Star 5 fly into the SouthWest Sector in 2019.
Preferably move any motor movables out of here to avoid offending it. Like a fan.
To counter 5 Yellow, just place 10 to 20 kg heavy weights here would do the trick. Or some heavy metallic objects.
It is like a Lioness is coming into SouthWest Sector to harm you. A remedy cure is to use the above weights to counter its intention.
5 Yellow represent Earth, so to weaken its effects, metal objects are placed here.
Earth produce metal like GOLD. In the process, weaken Earth effects.
When the Lioness heard its cubs are crying out here, it will do its best to calm its cubs from crying. Bringing peace and harmony to the residents in the process.
Xuan Kong Flying Star 2019
Are you currently facing some disputes/arguments with someone in the office. Or among your group of friends and/or social circle?
To ease your problem at hand. You can try this remedy.
Star 3 may be the culprit. In 2019, Star 3- argumentative Star fly into the South Sector of a residence.
Place a Red lighted lamp at your SOUTH Sector of your residence. It can be ‘ON’ all day, or only at nights.
Alternatively, you can stick a 3 inch by 3 inch Red coloured paper to the wall at the South sector of your residence. With the sharp angle pointing upwards.
Choose a Date that don’t clash with all family members chinese zodiac signs.
Also cannot use a ‘Water’ day.
Only for those who understand the chinese almanac.
Please consult a Practitioner if in doubt.