Funan Mall – FengShui Aspects – Part 3 奇門風水


A very prosperous main entrance with the Chief guarding it.

Business Success are on the cards; with positive energy flowing into the whole Mall.       

Bringing in Wealth; Fame and helpful partnerships. A place for learning and growth.                     

South :

It like a walk in the Park.

Joyful occasions and beautiful scenery

Good for restaurants with family gatherings themes     

SouthWest :

A good  place to build-up entrepreneur skills

Highly intelligent people with good blessings

Pity that the Chi here is dead; implies restricting growth potentials in this Sector              

West :

Good for partnerships; networking/Joint Ventures

Except projects will be challenging and can be stressful at times.

More suitable for the young and energetic. Public Speaking / Marketing

NorthWest :

More suitable for leading up to offices upstairs

Opportunities are everywhere for those whom seek and will find Success

In the shortest possible time                         

North :

Good for chit-chatting area. Calm and peaceful

Angels will keep coming here to help

NorthEast :

The most prosperous Sector of the whole Mall

East :

The welcoming Chi Sector to bring in people from all walks of life and Far away from all over the world.

Bringing along Wealth into the Mall





        陰 South West






                North North West West    

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