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    Wealth Luck Activation

    Good Luck Charm in many forms and objects; placing at the correct position within your residence can help boost indirect Luck. Activation & procedures are vital for it to be effective to help boost one’s financial luck within the realm of possibility and capabilities of the Owner based on his/her BAZI chart.

    Many considerations must also be fulfilled in order for it to work.

    Then again I have to respect all forms of beliefs. If it is too much to take, then pass it.

    Below I attached only some of the Winnings as proof of Winnings in Singapore Lottery Draws. Just too many to be listed here.

    Then there are other methods used by many other Schools, and preferences.

    As long as it works, and suits one’s style.

    Then I must keep highlighting it is for the fun; play for fun again to experience the power of Chinese Metaphysics.

    [18:56, 22/01/2022] : 中❤

    2nd prize 😍😍😍

    [18:56, 22/01/2022] : 💰💰💰

    [23:09, 22/01/2022] Mr Low: Wild guess…

    How much I strike???

    2 strikes in today’s 4D Lottery Draw.


    To all my clients & followers.

    This is just my way to share with all the possibility of using fengshui and maximising your bazi potentials to gain from so called lottery luck.

    I again must stress I do not advocate gambling.

    I will only reveal to those who subscribe to my FengShui services & / or BAZI readings what I know on how to activate their indirect wealth luck.

    催旺偏才运。In parts of South East Asian countries like Hong Kong, Taiwan and China; there are masters who charge from $1,000.00 to $100,000.00 ( $ Sing dollar )

    I will only Activate Wealth Chest 开财库 for those who subscribe to my fengshui Services & / or BAZI readings for 2022.

    Mind you, this is a add-on ( additional charges apply )

    I must also stress it all still depends on your inherent bazi capabilities to reap financial gains.

    By going through you BAZI after payment had been made; I will decipher to see whether your Indirect Wealth can be activated or not; and share with you the potential and add-on charges involved. Typical gain range from 20% to 200% from your current income. Results varies………….*********

    Some with strong indirect wealth luck in their bazi chart of course will gain more over those who possess some; little of it or no luck at all.

    Head up, if you do not have so called Wealth Stars in your natal BAZI chart, they may still appear in your 10 years Luck cycle, and/or Annual Luck cycle.

    Be mindful,

    And not all are suitable for this ACTIVATION.

    What come easy…

    Go away easy too…

    If it is yours to keep.

    The sudden windfall will be yours for a long long time.

    But for some of you, it will disappear probably very soon too.

    BE WARNED!!!

    Be grateful that while you benefitted, faster go and do lots of charities and settle your problems ASAP.

    Bazi Reading at 1,388.00 .

    Your Life analysis including which industry to excel in, what job to bring out the best in you. Lucky numbers to boost your Aura to benefit & prosper to the next level. What to avoid, and events to reap financially and improve your well-beings.

    Dangers to avoid and many more…………..

    Bonus Annual 2022 monthly forecast

    Peach Blossom activation ( office / general ) 社会桃花运 to be well-liked by people in general to boost your career luck.

    How to activate your Helpful people Star 贵人在哪里?

    Please make payment to


    By PayNow

    After which send your details by WhatsApp to the above number –

    1 – Your full name in English ( also Chinese name if any )

    2 – Date of Birth with time of Birth ***( Must have time of birth )*** as it would take up some unnecessary time for me to ascertain your time of Birth by detailed intrinsic BAZI method. Like having you to feed me more details about your hands, fingers’ length, head;skull….

    ( Phwee……….. Please do not go there… )Additional charges apply

    3 – Where were you born in i.e – Singapore or Malaysia or China or Germany.

    4 – Any queries and/or specific questions you have in mind

    Please click on this link to watch about 21 minutes very detailed video clip on a typical full complete BAZI report that entails. https://fengshuiuncle.com/lucky-numbers-using-bazi-deciphering/

    No calls will be entertained.

    This is not a Get Rich quick scheme.