Xuan Kong Flying Stars – Part 2

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They will hit you, every year….

Grand Duke – Tai Sui.

Tai Sui to the chinese as known, fly into NorthWest 3 Sector this year 2019.

As to our belief, we respect Tai Sui and we don’t do the followings in this Sector.

No renovations; no digging,no extensions / new modifications to this area extending outwards from your house/factory.

It is believe BAD stuff will befall on the residents if offended.

Flying Star 9, happened to fly into here. Placing a Wealth vase, or SAFE here will increase the wealth potential of the male owner of the property.

3 Killings (San Sha) fly into the whole West Sector in 2019.

Major mishaps / misfortunes / harm will come to the residents if the following are done in this area.

Like hacking; drilling; or renovation works are done here. Example like more arguments are also possible with people in general if activated.

It dictate the youngest daughter most likely falling sick if activated.

Flying Star 1  fly into the West Sector in 2019. Positive enhancements can be placed here to benefit speaking / selling / marketing and working in harmony with people in general. Doing more business with partners and speaking well. Tendency to see clearer and make decisions with a sound mind.

5 Yellow – Wu Huang/ Flying Star 5 fly into the SouthWest Sector in 2019.

Preferably move any motor movables out of here to avoid offending it. Like a fan.

To counter 5 Yellow, just place 10 to 20 kg heavy weights here would do the trick. Or some heavy metallic objects.

It is like a Lioness is coming into SouthWest Sector to harm you. A remedy cure is to use the above weights to counter its intention.

5 Yellow represent Earth, so to weaken its effects, metal objects are placed here.

Earth produce metal like GOLD. In the process, weaken Earth effects.

When the Lioness heard its cubs are crying out here, it  will do its best to calm its cubs from crying. Bringing peace and harmony to the residents in the process.

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